"In the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity"- Albert Einstein When we were first confronted with the problem of COVID, the question we had was how to keep our patients and staff safe. With this in mind, we decided to keep all "sick" visits out of the office and do only checkups inside, as the well baby and a sprained ankle shouldn't be in the same space as cough and fever.
As the year progressed and the temperature dropped, this has become increasingly difficult. This prompted us to create what we like to call WashingTENT Avenue Pediatrics. The combination of these weather-protected, heated (kind of) rooms and additional rooms we constructed indoors with a separate entrance have allowed us to continue to keep our sick patients separate and safe.
Also, as a result of all the positive feedback from our drive thru flu clinics, this space will be utilized for that purpose in the fall. We will continue to look for solutions to help us overcome whatever obstacles that are placed before us to keep our patients healthy.